
Waiting for the day
To release the stories brewing within;
Caught like dreams in a net
Submerged inside
To grow
To change
To be released
One day
When ears will turn
And eyes will see
What has been commissioned
To be hidden deep within.
Waiting until the day arrives
When my voice is released
And I will tell the tales
Of realities unknown
And stories of home.

November 11, 2010

Merry Christmas.

About a month ago, I was sitting in my living room, surrounded by my roommates. We were worshipping and praying and in the midst of it, they began to encourage me. They reminded me of this picture I’ve had for a while now of my family opening up a gift on Christmas morning – a book of short stories lovingly penned by yours truly. As fall began several months ago I knew completing this book would be entirely lofty, as I was beginning student teaching and time would be short.

There were many ducks I had hoped to be in a row before I launched this book. But in the end, as I thought about the words of my roomies to remember the picture I had and not worry about everything being perfect – I decided to just go for it. Honestly, I’m probably the type of person who could sit on this egg forever waiting for it to be perfect, and never get the ball rolling. And so here I am. Four weeks later. Thanks to the encouragement and sacrifices of some very dear sisters who prayed for me, helped edit, and design the cover, I have crossed the first finish line. I’ve finished student teaching. I’ve just about caught up on all the sleep I skipped over the last month trying to finish this project. And as I write, I’m about to tuck myself into bed after a Christmas day in which I saw my family carefully tear the wrapping paper off their new books. I saw it. It happened.

There were no fireworks. There was no fanfare. The moment passed quite quickly amidst the rest of the Christmas festivities. But I suppose at the end of the day I kind of felt like a rider in the pony express. I have journeyed far and delivered my package.

More to come…

What manner of love is this?

Sometimes, in quietness, I find
the great song of kindness
the Lord sings around me.

Sometimes, in patience, I find
His hand tucked firmly in my own.

Sometimes, in boldness to move out,
I sense His steady leading,
forging roads for me to walk,
preparing before time began
a path I imagined I might have made for myself.

Because His hand is greater than my ambition,
faster than the release of my dreams.
And this is His love-
that the dance I thought I would offer to Him
He had prepared for me,
An offering for me, met by an offering from me.

What delight to walk the unbeaten path,
Only to find it had been walked and previewed
by my Love
Who in thoughtfulness left light, and love, and laughter
for me to find, along the way.
Along the journey.

What manner of love is this?


Thanks so much to all who have stopped by this little site and taken a look around. Thanks also for so many encouraging words and much feedback, these are really precious to me, you have no idea!

Right now I have one main project I am working on, a collection of short stories. Many of you are familiar with this project, and if you are not, I will be sharing more about it soon, so no worries!

What I can tell you is that my dream is to have this project finished, and even published by Christmas. This is a very lofty dream, but I think I’m going to step out on a limb and go for it, knowing that if it doesn’t pan out quite in the timing I desire, all I will have lost is a fleeting deadline. At least I’ll be moving forward! Momentum is good.

Today I finished story numero 14 for this collection and am halfway through another one. 14 stories. 14 amazing journeys with God to encounter His love. 14 stories I have come to love, and if I was the only intended reader, I would have been exceedingly satisfied. But I have already been blessed to share them with a few, and blessed by the way they have shown others God’s love for them. It’s just been an overall wonderful journey and I look forward to the day I can pull out a single book and flip to them time and time again. I still read them on my computer quite frequently, especially before I begin to write. They still make me laugh, or cry, or think. I love that, and I can’t wait to share them with any who would care to read them. It’s taken over a year to write these 14 stories, and I have 6 more planned to finish the collection. So, I suppose we’ll see how the fall plays out.

Thus begins an interesting season as I will start student teaching in about a week. Student teaching is crazy town, in case you didn’t know, in terms of work load and such. I’m am excited about the schools I will be student teaching at and the kids I will have the opportunity to love on, but I am curious how writing will factor in, if at all this fall, and how I might meet my deadline.

I’ll believe Him for the impossible, and rest in Him for the unknown. I’m pretty pumped about the journey anyways.

Hopefully, this fall will still find me nestled in little local coffee shops here and there, writing up a storm. I have to admit, I have loved going to coffee shops here in town and writing. It’s been amazingly productive, and gets me out of the house. Thank you for your prayers and stay tuned!!

The possibility of a page

How long does it take to journey beyond the veil? The right melody, an accurate breeze, the slightest nuance of the sacredness of nature…a bird soaring, a mountain standing, the ironic stillness of a landscape teeming with life. One can be there in a moment.

And here we are. Settling in to write about nothing significant, in attempts to stir oneself to write about something infinitely significant.

She breathes.

It’s not about aiming for significance, really. Not even about aiming for accuracy. My greatest aspiration between mind and page is to catch authenticity…honesty. And Him. To catch just a moment with Him. That I might be changed, and for a moment feel the sweetest assurance of my homeland. My homeland…where every moment is one with Him.

Perhaps the most incredible thing is the possibility of a page. All that could unfold… the passion and adventure, the revelation and healing… A stage is set. What will find its home here I wonder? It is one of the great excitements about writing. Such is writing with the Lord. Such is spending time with my Friend. Here I am today, Lord. Pressing in. Setting aside the plans of a well intended heart, trusting you with a journey that will surely overwhelm mine. And my greatest prayer is that You will show yourself for who You really are in this place.

In truth, this will only satisfy if it’s about Him. If I make it about anything else first, I will leave unsatisfied.